Tuesday, June 24

The small-business fair

Some pictures of the fair in San Ramon, held on the main street. San Ramon is the main town we pass through on our way to the country, and is located about 15 minutes east of Matagalpa. Many NGO's and cooperatives were there, educating and hawking their wares.

Here is a picture of “our’ ladies, trying to sell their jewelry, baskets, jellies and wine.

Here is a picture of Alex (red shirt), the son of one of the farmers we work with (man on right with guitar). He has an amazing voice, and has won a national award for his singing.

Nathaniel enjoyed walking around the fair. Here, he and his Nicaraguan 'grandpa', Roberto enjoy a few moments together.

A picture of a sign outside an eatery that we frequent on our trips back from the country. Comedor is the Spanish term for an eatery.

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