Well, we made an overnight trip to Granada for our 8-yr anniversary. It is a beautiful city, a bit south of Managua, but we made it in 2.5 hrs by bus and taxi from Matagalpa. Here are some pictures I was able to take before my camera battery died. Granada is a big tourist area, so it appears less like a Nicaraguan city and more like a US city. You don’t need to speak Spanish here to get around, the Nicaraguans who work in the hotels and restaurants speak English well enough to get along. Here are a few shots of our hotel room. It was a beautiful hotel, with two pools, and our room had a Jacuzzi and king-sized bed (which looked HUGE compared to our double at home). A few steps away from the hotel is the large central park, with lots of benches, little shops with indigenous wares, T-shirts, and horse-drawn carriages which offer varying tour packages of the city. Look behind us and you can see the horse-drawn carriages. 
The colors of the city are fascinating. Here is a picture of the cathedral, you can see what I mean about the colors of the city.
Here are a few shots walking away from the park. This is a long street with no traffic that goes all the way to the beach on Lake Nicaragua, the largest freshwater lake in the world. On each side are restaurants of all kinds. 

We found a restaurant called Asian-Latin fusion, and had supper there. We ate our Thai cuisine with chopsticks, which was fun. You could dine on couches or even a bed. We opted for a regular table, as eating curry and rice with chop sticks seemed challenging enough and prefer to eat our supper rather than wear it!
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