They arrived Thursday evening, and after a pleasant dinner at home and light conversation, they retired until the following morning. They left bright and early the next morning and were able to see most of Steve's project. Several communities are not reachable at this point due to work on the road. The only way in is to walk, and it's a long hike.
Below: Nacho's new pila (or rock storage tank), made possible by materials that Steve delivered. Nacho (at left) and his son Uriel (at right). These pilas are made from cut rock, rebar and cement. These are the "norm" when it comes to water storage; however, notice that there is no top, leading to contamination and mosquito problems. However, several people in his project did not want the ferrocement tanks, even though they cost less, are easier to build and are more sanitary. Change is hard for some people.
David (in background) looks at some of Lesling's (another of Nacho's sons) rabbit houses, made with materials donated by Steve's project.
David, Angela and Mark joke around with Uriel (sitting).
Mark looks at the goat house of Maria Concepcion.
The ferrocement tank at the school in Yucul, constructed in July.
Sergio (at left) explains to David his design for a combination chicken/goat house. Sergio is also the mason who has helped to construct several ferrocement tanks in several communities.
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