Running, jumping, yelling, wrestling, tickling, baseball, cars, crash, bang, boom! When I’m not at work, these are what my days consist of…silence is a rare treat for me, and usually by the time I have found it, I am too tired to enjoy it and sleep right through it! Why did God give me 3 boys? This is a question I have been asking myself lately. I see my girlfriend’s little girls and how docile they are…they are so quiet, I hardly know they are there! Why can’t my boys just sit and color, or sit and play quietly? Do they HAVE to smash and crash everything they touch? Do they HAVE to jump off the table, the couch, the motorcycle? God has been teaching me a lot about contentment, about enjoying my kids for who they are, and how to shape the will, without breaking the spirit. It is no small task. The amount of energy they consume…and create, can be magnificent at times. Even little Sebastian wiggles and rolls and squeals every chance he gets. Changing his diaper has turned into an Olympic sport. I can already see he wants in on the action and is dying for a chance to show how fast HE can run, how far HE can jump and how LOUD he can yell. My house is a constant source of entertainment, and with the number of looks and stares from strangers passing by on the street, I’m considering charging a per minute rate. But this also has its challenges.
Being an introvert, I have found that I really need to fight for my time away, my time of solitude, my time to talk to God, to listen to His voice. Otherwise, my energy levels drop precariously and I’m embarrassed to admit that I turn into a downright grouch! My husband is great at helping me, and reminding me, of the importance of my alone time. Priorities…I can’t take care of my family if I don’t take care of myself. Strung out and living in a world of frustration is no way to live. This has been a hard, but good lesson for me. It is a lesson that I am continually learning. I once read about a woman’s perspective on this. She said, Honey, one kid will take all of your time. Two kids will take all of your time. Three kids will take all of your time. What is her point? That no matter how many kids you have, they will always take all of your time…but only if you LET them. Being a great mom does not mean that the kids have all of you, all the time. Quantity does not mean quality. After I have some “me” time, I’m amazed at the difference I feel in myself, how refreshed and “ready to go” I am. Well, it’s late. Almost 9:30…and I’m really tired. We played magical beds, with the 3 boys in and out of our bed last night. I’ve enjoyed the past half hour of quiet…and I hope you enjoy some pictures of our family below.
Sarah is just as loud and energetic as Seth. I think is has a lot to do with personality too.
- Maria
For what it´s worth... I would pay to watch your boys cause a little havoc. :)
Ok, maybe not, but I would be willing to babysit one night for you! We will have to coordinate some time when I can come up.
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