Sebastian is now 11 months old and quickly developing more of his personality. Lately he seems to be stubborn and independent…a sure transition into toddler-hood!
One way he shows off his independence lately is by feeding himself. That’s right!
At 11 months old, he is quite determined to get the food from his own hand to his mouth. Let’s just say that he could really use the practice! He is quite the sight…all bathed in whatever food that had been in his bowl only minutes before. And he seems quite proud of himself, mess and all. As you can see here, he is working on some refried beans, which he enjoys, although not as much as papaya or avocado. I don’t even bother trying to wipe him down. I untie his bib, gently lift him out of the high chair and keep him at arm’s length, then whisk him away to the bathtub. And then the next struggle begins, keeping him there long enough to get cleaned up before he explores the house in his dripping wet birthday suit.
If we aren’t quick enough about getting him out of the high chair, then he sees to it that he gets out himself…and gravity helps him get there quickly. This first happened the other day. I had just finished giving him his breakfast, and had gotten up to go the kitchen. From the kitchen I can see the high chair. I turned my back and only seconds later, heard a loud thump! (which could be many things, neighbors, an accident outside, drunk at our door, etc.) so I didn’t give it much thought until it was followed by Sebastian crying. I look over to see him on all fours, as though he is about to crawl away.
Huh, I thought to myself. Wasn’t he just in the high chair?...Yes, yes he was. And now, he had landed like a cat, thank God! On all fours.
Only a little red mark on his forehead revealed any contact to the hard ceramic tile floor. My mind ran the gamut of possibilities, the much MUCH worse possibilities of falling from a height of 4 feet and headfirst, into a tile floor. Ouch! I’m so glad God protected him and kept him from serious injury.
Overall he is a happy baby, only fussing when hungry or tired. He seems anxious to grow up, trying to get involved with his brothers activities whenever he can. It is amazing the physical resemblance between Sebastian and Nathaniel. We look at photos of Nathaniel around 10 or 11 months and we cannot tell the difference between the two! It is fun to watch him grow up, and will be interesting to see more of his personality develop as he gets older, and if he keeps his twin-like appearance with Nathaniel.
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