see photo below. Next to the red water pear is a cacao pod. Do they exist in the States? Leave a comment if you know what the correct English name is or if you've seen them in the States.
Walking around a farm up here in the mountains also means mud...and lots of it! Check out my pants and sneakers. Of course I had to wear my white sneakers, just to show off the color difference.
And here is what we brought back (in addition to the mud).
Interestingly enough, he is selling the farm. His kids are older and don't have much interest in managing it. He has a few other farms that keep him busy enough and wants to basically get rid of this farm, for a small fee, of course.
A few months ago, our future was finishing up with MCC in July and heading back to the States. Then out of the blue, our Nicaraguan boss with CIEETS mentioned that there was the possibility of another project starting in September (for 3 yrs) and would we be interested in heading it up? Wow.
That really changes things. So we held our breath and waited, and waited, and waited some more, to see if it would come through. As of now, with only 5 weeks left until we leave, it still has not been approved. But the idea opened up a pandora's box, if you will, in our minds. So what if it doesn't come through? Could we stil stay? On our own? Dare we?
That's a big step. A HUGE step. In many ways and in many dimensions. There are a lot of questions that need to be answered, but the biggest one of all is, Is this your will for us God?
For ourselves, we would love to stay. We love the country, the mountains here, the people. Oh, it's not all fun and easy times. I hate all the flies in my kitchen, eating with one hand ready to attach any bugs, the irrational water and electricity rationing, having to wear damp clothes when it rains for days on end, and the loud music blasting from both churches and passing cars. But overall, we love it. We would love to stay. Love to start a demonstration farm, with possibilities of connecting people or having interns in the future. But is that what God wants? It's hard to discern His voice, at times. We hear our own desires, we hear what our families want, we hear about what our friends are doing. It seems crazy, in a way to stay, and yet...
I'll admit, we've been dreaming. And reading. We've been struck, again and again, by the account of Abraham, in Hebrews. It states that Abraham, not knowing where he was going, obeyed God and left his own country. Imagine, leaving your home and not knowing where you are going! He didn't have all the details worked out. He didn't have connections in his new home. I also doubt he thought it would all be so easy. It's so inspiring...and intimidating, that amount of faith.
Because if we stayed, with no project, we don't have all the details worked out, especially the big one: {finances}. How are we going to support ourselves? We have lots of ideas. We want to be self-supporting, But that is just it. If God wants us to stay, do we necessarily need to have all the details worked out? Or do we trust God, like Abraham did, and set off down the path, trusting God to open doors along the way?
Please be in prayer for, and with us, as we seek God's face.
Pray that we could hear His voice clearly, above our own, above our families and above Satan's. And that no matter what He asks of us, or where He leads us, that we could live totally for Him, and be dependent on Him, not trusting in our own abilities.
Pray that we could live without fear and with complete trust and faith, like Abraham.
I like this. I have no insight about what will happen or anything; I just like the journey you're on. We too are taking steps towards an uncertain future, still with EMM, but where and how? Costa Rica? Spain? But let us rest at His feet until He says "Go".
What an adventure! But you are right, in every adventure, there needs to be a time of rest, of reflection, of remembering why and who. That is what God has been telling me these past few weeks. I hear Him whisper, Rest. Rest in me. At first I only laughed. Rest? While we move, pack up, deal with everybody being sick, work, travel? But I'm learning, how to rest in spirit, while the world runs around me. I'll be watching your blog to see where God leads you :)
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