Tuesday, October 19

Piece of Cake!

I have been taking a Wilton Cake Decorating Class this month and am really enjoying it. The class gets me out of the house, but more importantly, I hope it will give me the skills to provide a source of income in Nicaragua, as well as the tools to teach other women baking and decorating skills, so THEY can have a source of income.

The class is small and meets for a few hours each week. The teacher is fun and has her own bakery, out of her house. She is a wealth of knowledge! And after every class, I come home with a dessert (which the men in the house are enjoying immensely).

Here is my creation from last week's class. Next week is my last class and we will do another, more "spectacular" decorated cake. How fun!

I suppose if I had 10 lives to live, one would be as a dessert chef/wedding cake decorator. Yes, I'm one of those people who loves to watch food and cake shows (when I get the chance, which is pretty rare).

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