Tuesday, January 3

Am I different?

What does the church look like today?  There are endless debates on how much, and in what manner, we should look differently than the world.  Clothes, books, education, war, and hair are among the thousands of areas in which the members of the body of Christ do not agree.  

Just how different should we be?  

Last month our pastor talked of the kingdom of God, and what the early church "looked" like.  He read a letter, written not by a Christian, but by an outsider, one who observed Christians.  The letter was written to Diognites (written in Greek in the middle of the second century).  Notice his observations:

They are poor and yet they make many rich.
They are completely destitute and yet they enjoy complete abundance.
Christians cannot be distinguished from the rest of the human race by country or language or customs they do not live in cities of their own.  They do not use a peculiar form of speech they do not  follow an eccentric manner of life. Christians are residents.
And although they live in greek and barbarian cities alike as each ones lot has been cast they follow the customs of the country in clothing and food and other matters, so the eat and dress similar to other people
they live amidst other people
at the same time they give prove of the remarkable and their extraordinary commonwealth.
They live in their own countries but only as resident aliens.
They have a share in everything as citizen and yet they endure everything as foreigners.
Every foreign land is their fatherland and yet every fatherland is their foreign land.
Christians marry like everyone else and they beget children but they don’t discard their unwanted infants.
They share their food with each other but not their marriage bed.
The busy themselves on earth but their citizenship is in heaven.
They love all people but by all are persecuted.
They are unknown but still they are condemned.
They are put to death and yet they are brought to life (the were not afraid to die)
They are dishonored but in their very dishonor glorified.
They are defamed and they are vindicated.
They are reviled and yet they bless
They love their enemies.
When they are affronted they still pay due respect.
So Christians are similar to ordinary Romans and yet they are distinctive from ordinary Romans.

What the soul is in the body that Christians are in the world.

Our pastor then challenged us to contemplate:  What would an "outsider" say of us today?  


They drive cars but ....
They own houses yet....
They live in the most powerful nation of the earth but....
Some have money but...
They dress comfortably but...
They watch movies but...
They use technology....


1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is very inspiring. I never looked at it that way. It makes me wonder in what areas have I lacked to live a christian life? Thank you for posting that.