The days are slowly passing by and turning into weeks. I am happy to announce that I’ve made it to 29 weeks. I have an appointment this week with my regular OB, and then next week I’m off to see the perinatologist (high-risk OB doctor) to see how my uterus is holding up.
Pray that things will look good, and if not, that we would have wisdom about how to handle the situation.
My gestational diabetes is under control, thanks to a very informative, 2 hour class I took last week. I met with a diabetic RN and nutritionist, who explained to us the in’s and out’s of gestational diabetes, as well as how to control it through diet. We were given a pretty little device called a glucometer, with which we check our blood sugar 4 times daily (by pricking the end of our finger and then testing the blood). It sounds rough, but in actuality, I hardly feel the prick…it’s such a tiny little needle! The nutritionist made up an individual meal plan for all of us, based on our initial testing numbers. Thankfully, my numbers were just over the edge, so I haven’t had to change my eating habits too much, but snacking was emphasized…and what pregnant woman doesn’t want to snack?!
I was so surprised to hear I had gestational diabetes, especially since there is no history of diabetes in my family, but when I read over the risk factors, it made sense. Some risk factors include obesity, already birthed a baby who weighed over 9 pounds, family history of diabetes, and having lost a baby. My risk factor was having lost a baby…I’ve lost a few, so apparently this upped my risk.
The risk to the baby is having a very large baby, and possibly requiring a C-section (not an issue, since I’m already going to have one). Gestational diabetes can also cause extra fluid to build up in the uterus, which can lead to preterm labor. Right after birth, sometimes the baby will have low blood sugar, which means he or she would need special care and monitoring for a while.
Pray that the diabetes would remain under control
Pray that the baby would be healthy at birth
These past few weeks, I had been venturing out here and there, but since the pain level seems to have increased a bit this past week, Steve and I have decided to severely limit my outings to only the doctors.
Pray that the pain would not continue to increase and that I could rest well.
Thanks again for all your continued prayers!