Sunday, September 18

Abundant Life

Today I am linking up with Katie's Scripture and a snapshot....

This past week I have had this verse running through my head.  Am I living life, fully, abundantly, joyously, completely alive and intentionally?  Or am I simply surviving, getting through each day, looking forward to bedtime, to my next nap, to my next vacation?  Is my vision completely future-oriented?  Or am I enjoying each day as it comes and allowing God to draw me closer to Him, through all of His mysterious ways?


Stephanie said...

Such a great thought..I refer to this with my girls and merely enduring instead of embracing all that a day or circumstance or season has for us!

Alida Sharp said...

Great photo and it!

Claudia Finn said...

My husband and daughter went on a mission trip over the summer to Nicaragua! I love your thoughts here!