We had a fun time celebrating Zach's 6th Birthday. We invited Roberto's family over, with a 101 dalmation dog pinata (with graduation cap, too cute!) and a pirate themed caked and paintings.
I tried my hand at a pirate cake and drew some of the Veggie Tales pirates from the movie, the Pirates who don't do anything (if you haven't seen it and need a good laugh, this is a good movie for you!).
The morning started out fun, with Zach opening up his present from us...a sword that he has been asking for ever since he saw it in a store a few weeks before. I bought it the day before his birthday and tried to smuggle it into the house, but he saw it in the bag and followed me, amidst shrieks of glee and the question, Is that my sword? Is that my sword? I told him he had to wait until tomorrow, but of course, he said, I knew it! I knew it! Well, at least he was excited.
Zach and Nathaniel eat their rice and beans, plus a baked macaroni and cheese dish that Zach asked for specifically. Isaac, who turns 2 in Feb., digs through our toy box.
The ladies of the family, from L to R: Damaris, oldest daughter of Roberto. She has 2 little boys, Everth (6 yrs) and Isaac (almost 2). Everth and Zach are great friends. Zach slept over at Everth's house last weekend and LOVED it! We went to pick him at 10 am and he was still in his pj's, and didn't want to leave. So we went back around 1:30. Ruth, next daughter of Roberto, holding Sebastian. She has 2 kids, Robertito (4 yrs) and Rutcita (3). They keep her busy and are fun to have around. Jacqueline (niece) and Candida, wife of Roberto.
Zach hits the coveted pinata. When we first came, he was very shy and wouldn't hit them, but now he lets loose!

To see more pictures, click on the link at right.