Monday, November 1

Out of the mouth of babes...and 6 yr olds

I guess you could also title this, Kids say the funniest things sometimes, Part 2.

Oh yes, our kids whine, complain and fight (I know, we have the only ones that do this), but they also make sweet and incredibly discerning statements at times.

We received a Kmart toy catalog the other day (still not sure how we got on this list), and Zach has made this his new favorite "reading" material. He looks at it in the morning before heading to school, he peruses it during his quiet time, and then quickly reviews it once more before closing his eyes at night.

The holidays are rapidly approaching, as all the stores and advertisements are quick to remind us. I've been thinking about how we're going to handle the holidays here, but that's for another blog.

While looking at the magazine yesterday, he came upon the "girl" section, and looking at me, said matter-of-factly, I think we should go to Nicaragua and get a girl who has no mommy or daddy, and have her live with us.

I didn't know what to say at first, but quickly recovered and replied, Sounds like a good idea to me. He was adamant that it should be a girl. He was so disappointed when we announced Sebastian was a boy. When we told him, he just looked at us and said, well, maybe the next one will be a girl. Perhaps. But we explained that the next child wouldn't come from mommy's belly, but from another place, where kids go when they don't have mommies and daddies. It appears he has been listening. And thinking about it all.

We are, and have been, thinking about adoption. Still. Been thinking about it for years, wondering, waiting for the "right" time.

The process is arduous, especially so for Nicaragua adoptions. They don't charge for adoptions, which make them relatively cheap considering international adoptions, but can take years. Nicaragua is very thorough and does not give up her orphans quickly, or without much forethought.

The biggest reason we haven't started the adoption process is that the sheer amount of documentation to even start is so intimidating. Pacitos, we tell ourselves. Baby steps.

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