Wednesday, May 25

Officially Summer!

Today was the first day of summer for my oldest boy, he is out of school until August! He really enjoyed being in school and did very well this year, we are very proud of him. His reading abilities have increased dramatically, and he is often seen with book in hand, at the supper table, and in bed.

Part of the end of school year festivities included an all-school picnic, with demonstrations by a local blacksmith and juggler, as well as a Haitian storyteller. Lunch was fantastic, with lots of salads, fruits, hamburgers, hot dogs, and desserts. We all walked, or should I say, waddled? home.

We then went to a church retreat and enjoyed being introduced as new members of the church we have been attending since October. We have been incredibly blessed by our church, in so many ways. We had been alone, spiritually, during the time we spent in Nicaragua, and it's amazing how we became accustomed to being on our own. When we returned last summer, we didn't feel the need to have a good church family, but now that we have one, I wonder how we survived without it!

Over the weekend, we also burned our burn pile, making s'mores, and setting up "camp" in our living room for the boys. Now that it is finally getting warm out, we hope to do some camping in our yard and in some area campgrounds.

For some reason, kids think it is so much better to sleep on the hard floor rather than their soft beds.

Mr. Clown and Mr. Sociable, who talks to everybody and anybody when we go out to public places.

Demonstrating how Haitians build a fire.

John rides a unicycle AND juggles.

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