Friday, March 25

Than Checkers

So here is how you play checkers with my 4 yr old.

Everything starts our "normally".  You stay on the black squares *very important* and try to jump over your opponent to take them.  If you are lucky enough to get a man to the other side, here is where it gets interesting.  

"King me!" he yells.  I place another piece on top, then take my turn.  He moves out one square, I move.  On his next turn, instead of tromping around the board and wreaking havoc, he goes BACK to the same space.  "Queen me!" he yells.  

What in the world? I wonder.
This is the goal of the game, he explains.  You keep going back to the end space to see how many pieces you can stack before they fall down.

Ah yes.  How could I forget? 

And there you have it.  

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